This Mechanical Engineering App is the One Stop Solution for All Mechanical Engineering Needs,It Contains Various Important Mechanical Engineering Concepts.
It Covers 500+ topics, which is useful for all mechanical engineering students as well as mechanical professionals.
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New Update with Awesome Grid with category Wise.
New Update with Awesome Grid with category Wise.
This is very useful for people who are preparing for Competitive Exams and Job Interviews as well.
Not Only Mechanical Engineers get benefit from this App Other Fields like Electrical Engineering,Civil Engineering,Production Engineering,Manufacturing Engineering,Automobile Engineering,Materials Engineering,Instrumentation,Mechatronics,Polymer Technology,Plastic Technology, Physics Students,Chemistry Students and related field students.
The aim of this App is to motivate Engineering students and professionals across the world into learning All important concepts of Engineering.
【Some Important Topics covered in this App are Listed Below】
-What Is Mechanical Engineering?.
-Difference between 2 stroke and 4 stroke Engine.
-Forging Process.
-Super chargers.
-Thermodynamics and Types.
-Types of Mechanical Forces.
-Types of Loads.
-Air-cooling System in Reciprocating Engine.
-Internal Combustion Engines:");
-Classification of Internal Combustion Engines:");
-Governor Types.
-Methods of Inspection in Casting.
-Basic Thermodynamics.
-Heat Treatment Processes.
-Types of fluids.
-Kennedy’s Theorem.
-Varignon’s Theorem.
-Lami’s Theorem.
-Fluid Mechanics and Its Properties.
-Brazing & Difference between Brazing and Soldering.
-Shielded Metal-arc Welding (SMAW)");
-Flux-cored Arc Welding (FCAW)");
-Submerged-arc Welding (SAW)");
-Gas Tungsten-arc Welding (GTAW)");
-Gas Metal-arc Welding (GMAW)");
-Plasma-arc Welding (PAW)");
-Electrogas Welding (EGW)");
-Electroslag Welding (ESW)");
-Types of Welded Joints.
-Defects in Welding Joints: Internal and External.
-Pattern and Their Types.
-Terms used in casting.
-Airplane Parts and their Function.
-Failure of Cutting Tools.
-MRP Terminology and Lot Sizing Techniques.
-Heat Exchangers: Introduction and Classification.
-Types of fluids.
-Linear Actuators.
-Glass Fiber and Its Manufacturing.
-Industrial Engineering.
-Modes of Heat Transfer.
-Reynolds Number.
-Fuel Cell.
-Engineering Materials.
-Rolling Types.
-Classification of Gears.
-Types of Magnets.
-Hydroelectric Power Plant and Its Layout.
-Components of the Nuclear Power Plant.
-Laws of Friction.
-Nuclear Power Plant and Its Factors.
-Classification of Hydro Electric Power Plant.
-Classification of Automobiles.
-Gas Turbine and Classification of Gas Turbine.
-Thermodynamic Equilibrium.
-Brake System Classification.
-Diff Btw Centrifugal and Axial Flow Compressors.
-Turbine and Types of turbines.
-Pascal’s Law.
-Second Law of Thermodynamics.
-Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion.
-Newton’s Laws of Motion.
-Law of Degradation of Energy.
-Newton’s Law of Gravitation.
-Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction.
-Wien’s Displacement Law.
-Hooke’s Law and Modulus of Elasticity.
-Stefan–Boltzmann Law.
-Gas Laws.
-Grashof’s Law.
-Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.
-Super Alloys.
-Mechanical Properties of Metals.
-Cutting Fluids.
-Properties of Good Lubricants.
-Characteristics and Properties of Fuels.
-Bernoulli’s Principle and Equation.
-Water Hand Pump.
-Power Plant Engineering.
-Comparison Btw Fire Tube and Water Tube Boiler.
-Fluid kinematics.
-Different Types of Fasteners.
-Screw Threads Terminology.
-Overview of Psychrometric Chart.
-Hydraulic Machines - Introduction.
-Hydraulic Turbines.
-Impulse Turbines.
-Reaction Turbines.
-Draft Tube in Turbine.
-Specific Speed of turbine.
-Unit Speed, Unit Discharge and Unit Power.
-Centrifugal Pumps.
-Multistage Centrifugal Pumps.
-Specific Speed of Centrifugal Pump.
-Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)");
-Model Testing and Similarity of Pumps.
-Reciprocating Pump.
-Air Vessels.
-Miscellaneous Hydraulic Machines.
-Thermodynamics - Introduction.
-Thermodynamic System.
-Properties of a System.
-Thermal Equilibrium.
-Laws of Thermodynamics.
-Laws of Perfect Gases.
-General Gas Equation.
-Characteristic Equation of a Gas.
-Joule's Law.
-Avogadro's Law.
-Universal Gas Constant.
-Specific Heats of a Gas.
-Relation Between Specific Heats.
-Thermodynamic Processes of Perfect Gases.
-Constant volume (isochoric) process.
-Constant Pressure (Isobaric) Process.
-Hyperbolic process.
-Constant temperature/ isothermal process.
-Adiabatic process or isentropic process.
-Polytrophic process.
-Free expansion process.
-Throttling process.
-General Laws for Expansion and Compression.
-Thermodynamic Cycle.
-Classification of Thermodynamic Cycles.
-Efficiency of a Cycle.
-Carnot Cycle.
-Stirling Cycle.
-Ericsson Cycle.
-Joule Cycle.
-Otto Cycle.
-Diesel Cycle.
-Dual Combustion Cycle.
-Gas Turbines.
-Closed Cycle Gas Turbine.
-Open Cycle Gas Turbine.
-Thermal Efficiency of Ideal Gas Turbine Plant.
-Efficiency of Gas Turbine.
-Fuels and Combustion.
-Solid Fuels.
-Liquid Fuels.
-Gaseous Fuels.
-Calorific Value of Fuels.
-Combustion of Fuels.
-Minimum Air Required for Complete Combustion.
-Mass of Carbon in Flue Gases.
-Mass of Excess Air Supplied.
-Engineering Materials - Introduction.
-Pig iron and its manufacturing.
-What is cast iron and its types.
-Wrought Iron.
-Steel | Types and Manufacturing.
-Alloy Steel | Engineering Materials.
-What is free cutting steel.
-Stainless Steel | Engineering Materials.
-Structure of Solids.
-Effect of grain size on mechanical properties.
-What is Metallography.
-Allotropic Forms of Pure Iron.
-Iron-Carbon Equilibrium Diagram.
-Heat treatment of engineering materials.
-High Temperature Alloys.
-Metals for Nuclear Energy.
-Plastics | Engineering Materials.
-Engineering Mechanics - Introduction.
-Force - Basic Definition.
-Resultant Force.
-System of Forces.
-Lami's Theorem.
-Moment of a Force.
-Varignon's Principle of Moments.
-Parallel Forces.
-Couple - Moment of a couple.
-Center of Gravity.
-Moment of Inertia.
-Friction and Its types.
-Limiting Angle of Friction.
-Angle of Repose.
-Minimum Force Required to Slide a Body.
-Effort Required to Move the Body.
-Screw Jack.
-Lifting Machine (Lift)");
-Systems of Pulleys.
-Truss or Frame.
-Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Retardation.
-Equations of Linear Motion.
-Newton's Laws of Motion.
-Mass, Weight, Momentum and Inertia.
-D-Alembert's Principle.
-Motion of a Lift or Elevator.
-Motion of Two Bodies Connected by a String.
-Projectile Motion.
-Equation of the Path of a Projectile.
-Angular Displacement .
-Angular Velocity.
-Angular Acceleration.
-Simple Harmonic Motion.
-Velocity and Acceleration.
-Simple Pendulum.
-Closely Coiled Helical Spring.
-Compound Pendulum.
-Center of Percussion | Oscillation.
-Torsional Pendulum.
-Centripetal and Centrifugal Force.
-Superelevation | Angle of Inclination.
-Elastic and Inelastic Collisions.
-Mechanical Work | Definition | Formula.
-Mechanical Power | Definition | Formula.
-Mechanical Energy | Definition | Types.
-Industrial Engineering - Introduction.
-Work Measurement in Production Management.
-Time Study in production planning.
-Pre-determined Motion Time System (PMTS)");
-Micromotion Study for Production Management.
-Break-even Analysis.
-Wage Incentive Plans in Production Management.
-Event, Activity and Critical Path.
-Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)");
-Critical Path Method (CPM)");
-Organization for production management.
-Inventory Control in Production Planning.
-Plant layout in Production.
-Routing, Scheduling and Dispatching.
-Linear programming for production management.
-IC Engines - Introduction.
-Two Stroke vs Four Stroke Engines.
-Sequence of Operations in IC Engine.
-Valve Timing Diagram of Petrol Engine.
-Valve Timing Diagram of Diesel Engine.
-Comparison of Petrol and Diesel Engines.
-Scavenging of IC Engines.
-Ignition System of Petrol Engines.
-Supercharging of IC Engines.
-Lubrication of IC Engines.
-Governing of IC Engines.
-Carburetor of an IC Engine.
-Spark Plug in IC Engines.
-Detonation or Knocking in IC Engines.
-Octane Number - Rating of S.I. Engine Fuels.
-Cetane Number - Rating of CI Engine Fuels.
-Testing of IC Engines.
-Thermodynamic Tests for I.C. Engines.
-Indicated mean effective pressure.
-Indicated power of an IC Engine.
-Brake power of IC Engine.
-Efficiency of an IC Engine.
-Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics - Introduction.
-Terms Used in Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics.
-Properties of Liquid.
-Pressure of a Liquid.
-Pascal's Law.
-Atmospheric Pressure, Gauge Pressure and Absolute Pressure.
-Measurement of Pressure.
-Total Pressure and Centre of Pressure.
-Lock Gates.
-Buoyancy and buoyant force.
-Equilibrium of Floating Bodies.
-Metacentre and Metacentric Height.
-Fluid Kinematics.
-Rate of Discharge.
-Equation of Continuity.
-Types of Flows in a Pipe.
-Dynamics of Fluid.
-Different Types of Energies.
-Bernoulli's Equation.
-Euler's Equation.
-Orifice Meter and Pitot Tube.
-Momentum Equation.
-Hydraulic Coefficients.
-Expressions used in Orifices and Mouthpieces.
-Notches and Weirs.
-Expressions used in Notches and Weirs.
-Pipes and Channels.
-Loss of Head due to Friction in Pipe.
-Hydraulic Gradient and Total Energy Lines.
-Pipes in Series or Compound Pipes.
-Pipes in Parallel.
-Power Transmitted through the Pipe.
-Flow through Nozzle at the end of a Pipe.
-Water Hammer.
-Flow Through Open Channels.
-Most Economical Section of a Channel.
-Vortex Flow.
-Viscous Flow.
-Newton's Law of Viscosity.
-Viscous Resistance.
-Compressible Flow of Fluids.
-Velocity of Sound Wave.
-Mach Number and its Importance.
-Stagnation Point.
-Flow Around Immersed Bodies.
-Forces Present in a Moving Liquid.
-Dimensionless Numbers.
-Essential Software skills.
-Compression ratio of petrol engine.
-Vacuum Pumping System.
-Liquid Nitrogen Plant.
-Cooling capacity unit of domestic refrigerator.
-Effect of keeping refrigerator door open.
-Domestic refrigerator Construction.
-What is Machine Design? .
-Factors to be considered during Machine Design .
-Machine Design Procedure .
-Skills a Good Machine Designer should possess .
-How to Select a Correctly Sized Steel I Beam .
-Working Principle of Water Heaters .
-How to Design a Compression Valve Spring .
-Casting Design Tips for a Casting Product Designer .
-Calculating the Stoichiometric Air-Fuel Ratio .
-Threaded Metal Jointers .
-Basic Skills for Metal Riveting .
-Calculation Methods for Pulley Systems .
-What is Magnetic Levitation? .
-Magnetic Levitation in High Speed Trains .
-Understanding Vector Analysis .
-Tools for Drawing Guidelines on Metals .
-Eliminating Vibration Problems in Piping .
-Analyzing Abnormal Vehicle Vibration Tendencies .
-Working of a Diesel Engine Injection System .
-How to Calculate Leaf Springs .
-Calculating Screw Jacks .
-What is Rocket Propulsion? .
-Making More Efficient Combustion Engines .
-Jigs vs Fixtures .
-The 3-2-1 Principle of Jig Fixture Design .
-Laminated Leaf Spring Design Procedure .
-Accurate Bending Allowance Calculations .
-Air Conditioner Compressor.
-Condensate Pump.
-Expansion Valves.
-Thermal Insulation.
-Air Conditioner Motors.
-Programmable Thermostat.
-Air Conditioner Refrigerant.
-Refrigerant Color Codes.
-Roof Ventilators.
-Electric Heater.
-Air Curtain.
-Evaporative Air Cooler.
-Ventilation Fans.
-Radon Gas.
-Better Indoor Air Quality For Homes.
-Air Conditioning Filter.
-Window Heat Pump.
-Window Air Conditioner.
-Water Cooled Air Conditioner.
-Variable Refrigerant Flow.
-Absorption Air Conditioning.
-Central Air Conditioner.
-Chilled Water Air Conditioning.
-Cooling Tower in HVAC.
-Rooftop Air Conditioner.
-Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner.
-Portable Air Conditioner.
-Package Air Conditioner.
-Recreational Vehicle Air Conditioners.
-Mini Split Air Conditioner.
-Floor Air Conditioner.
-Gas Furnace.
-Geothermal Heat Pump.
-Heat Pump Principles.
-Hydronic Heating System.
-Direct Expansion System.
-Air Conditioning Calculations.
-Air Conditioner Controllers.
-Electronic Phase Protector.
-Fan Speed Controller.
-What Is Finite Element Analysis.
-The Six P’s of Finite Element Analysis.
-High Performance Computing for FEA and CFD Analysis.
-The Benefits of Parametric Modeling & The Sensitivity Study.
-Simulating High Energy Events with Explicit Dynamics Analysis.
-Performing Finite Element Analysis Outside the Box.
-The Value of a Single Element Model for Complex FEA.
-Using Stress-Strain Data in a Finite Element Simulation.
-Big Data, Stochastics and Robust Design.
-Predicting The End of Life.
-Planning Ahead for Maximum Usage of Your Finite Element Model.
-Capturing Time History Results from Large Scale Finite Element Analyses for Design.
-Modal Submodeling.
-Equation of State of Fluids.
-How to Model Concrete using Finite Elements.
-Should Tetrahedral Elements Be Avoided In Explicit Dynamics Analysis?");
-Accelerating Simulation Run Time with GPUs.
-Composites Analysis - Needed from Fiber to Finished Form.
-Different Analysis Goals, Different Simulation Approaches.
-Failure, Composite Delamination, and Damage Assessment.
-Dealing With Incompressibility.
-Modeling Rotordynamic Systems with Cross-Coupled Interactions in FEA.
-Why Use Rigid Bodies for Transient Dynamics Analysis?");
-Where Does Stress Come From?");
-How Should I Model My Bolted Connection?");
-Large Scale Modeling Techniques.
-Why Use MPC Based Contact for Bonded Connections?");
-Six Sigma and Simulation.
-Is Engineering Simulation Software Training Worth the Investment?");
-A Brief Discussion of Ratcheting.
-Fluid-Structure Interaction.
-Modeling Bolted Joints & Understanding Load Transfer.
-How Do I Know If My Mesh is Good Enough?");
-Planar Microstrip Patch Antenna Design in Free Space.
-Topological Optimisation with ANSYS 17.0.
-Meshing Fabricated Structures in ANSYS Mechanical using Mesh Edit.
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