Google Play Store App
✴ The Internet of Things (IoT) is upon us. Sensors and embedded devices in automobiles, phones, watches, supermarkets, homes, roads and bridges, appliances and industrial and farm equipment, and wearable technology are already making new kinds of information available and changing the way information is produced, consumed, and experienced. IoT obviously represents a great opportunity for advances in information analysis. The connections between IoT and data storage and processing as well as machine learning are obvious and gaining attention already.✴
► This App targets IT professionals, students, and management professionals who want a solid grasp of essential IoT concepts. After completing this App, you will achieve intermediate expertise in IoT and a high level of comfort with IoT concepts and systems.✦
【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
⇢ Overview
⇢ Hardware
⇢ Software
⇢ Technology and Protocols
⇢ Common Uses
⇢ Media, Marketing, & Advertising
⇢ Environmental Monitoring
⇢ Manufacturing Applications
⇢ Energy Applications
⇢ Healthcare Applications
⇢ Building/Housing Applications
⇢ Transportation Applications
⇢ Education Applications
⇢ Government Applications
⇢ Law Enforcement Applications
⇢ Consumer Applications
⇢ Thingworx
⇢ CISCO Virtualized Packet Zone
⇢ Salesforce
⇢ GE Predix
⇢ Eclipse
⇢ Contiki
⇢ Security
⇢ Identity Protection
⇢ Liability